Prefinal OSCE

1.RR in tachypnea? 

-The normal respiratory rate (RR) for adults at rest is typically in the range of 12 to 20 breaths per minute. Tachypnea is generally defined as a respiratory rate that exceeds this normal range,  that is respiratory rate higher than 20 breaths per minute in adults considered tachypneic.

2.why there is tachypnea in community acquired pneumonia (CAP)despite a normal SpO2 reading of 99% ? 

Reasons for tachypnea in CAP:
Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatch: Pneumonia can lead to a mismatch between ventilation (airflow) and perfusion (blood flow) in the lungs. Even with adequate oxygen levels in the inhaled air, the exchange of gases in the affected areas of the lungs may be compromised, triggering a respiratory response.

Increased Work of Breathing: The body's effort to overcome the decreased lung function and maintain sufficient oxygen supply to the bloodstream can result in tachypnea, despite the overall oxygen saturation appearing normal.

3.Respiratory findings in Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) ?

Tachypnea: Increased respiratory rate, often as the body's response to decreased oxygen exchange.

Dyspnea: Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, particularly during physical activity. 

Abnormal Breath Sounds: Crackles, wheezing, or decreased breath sounds upon auscultation of the lungs.

Chest Expansion: Unequal chest expansion or decreased expansion in a particular area may be observed.

Increased Work of Breathing: Visible use of accessory muscles. 

Bronchial Breath Sounds: In more consolidated areas, bronchial breath sounds may be heard instead of the normal vesicular sounds.

Decreased Tactile Fremitus: Tactile fremitus, the vibration felt on the chest wall during speech, may be decreased or absent in areas of consolidation. 

4.What is Phantom tumor of lung? 

-Phantom or vanishing tumor is a localized transudative interlobar pleural fluid collection in congestive heart failure. 
-It is so called , because of its resemblance to a tumor on the CXR and from its tendency to vanish after appropriate management of heart failure.

Learning points:

-I got to know about phantom tumor of lung . 

- I learnt how one comorbidity can lead to other  disease

-I was able to apply my theory knowledge to real life practical part 

-I was able to build a rapo with the patient and attender helping me getting more clear detailed history (understood the role of communication)

-Understood the role of empathy in medical field


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